The RED says so long to its Executive Director

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The RED says so long to its Executive Director

Montreal, January 31st, 2023 – It is with deep regret that the Board of Directors of the Réseau d’enseignement de la danse (RED), Quebec’s network of dance schools, teachers and managers, announces the departure of Mrs. Véronique Clément, Executive Director since May 2014.

After almost 10 years at the helm of RED, Véronique is looking forward to reorienting her career towards new professional challenges. During her tenure, she has made many lasting contributions, among which building the RED’s membership and member services, most notably in the realm of Continuing Education et Professional Development for teachers and management personnel. She has also been instrumental in creating a positive climate of collaboration with RED’s partners in the dance sector and her strategic actions have led to the better positioning of the network in the continuum of dance education.

“During her passage in the extended dance training family, Véronique has distinguished herself through her remarkable leadership, her strategic vision, her management and her positive and collaborative approach with both her work team and RED members. We also wish to underline her benevolence in times of major transition, most notably her support of the dance schools and their personnel during the pandemic. Through her contribution to the dance education community, her commitment to the schools, her great devotion to the members of RED and her exceptional openness, Véronique has ensured the development and progress of both the RED network and the dance education sector. 

Her numerous achievements also include the development of new branding which rests on core values for dance education such as collaboration, diversity, inclusion, integrity, openness, pleasure, quality, respect and safety. Her contribution to the RED has allowed the network to build a very solid base upon which to continue to pursue the development and growth of the network. 

In the name of the Board of Directors, I wish to thank Véronique from the bottom of my heart for her devotion to the RED for nearly 10 years, and I wish her great success in her future projects.”

Lynsey Billing, Chair 

Véronique will remain full-time until March 31st, following which she will be on a part-time basis until the end of June to facilitate the transition with the next Executive Director. The Board of Directors is working on hiring her successor.

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