COPY - Strategic guidelines 2021-2024

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Following an extensive period of analysis and strategic planning undertaken with the firm l’Escabeau, RED updated its mission, mandates, vision and values in 2021.

Notably, the “quality seal” and all barriers to membership including teacher evaluations and student exams were permanently removed. The term “recreational” was also deleted from its mission statement to represent the entire dance education sector (all types of schools and teachers, pedagogical programmes, associations, settings, regions, dance genres, etc.).

Out of this period of reflection and analysis emerged RED’s Action Plan for the next three years. Five main guidelines subdivide into objectives that target priorities. For each objective, areas of intervention specify the field of action and the anticipated results. Indicators will measure results.

Guideline 1: Representation and consultation with the community

Objective 1: Represent the interests of dance teachers and dance schools to government authorities, the cultural sector and the dance community.

Objective 2: Contribute to the structure of the sector and the sustainability of dance schools.

Guideline 2 : Sustainabilty

Objective 1: Ensure RED’s perennity.

Objective 2: Develop member services.

Guideline 3: Promotion of the value of dance education and development of potential

Objective 1: Consolidate training and pedagogical development services.

Guideline 4: Exposure, communications and promotion

Objective 1: Review and adapt RED’s communications strategy to reach all members and schools offering all dance genres.

Objective 2: Promote the teaching of dance throughout Quebec and facilitate the public’s search for a dance school.

Objective 3: Accompany the dance schools in their digital integration efforts.


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